Amazon Product photos vs TaoBao Product photos

Amazon is a global e-commerce platform, it targets consumers from countries around the world, while contrarily, TaoBao relies completely on consumers in China, which indicates the big difference in the target audience of these two e-commerce sites. When it comes to photoshoots, the aesthetics of the sellers on TaoBao and Amazon are very distinct as well. For China – a country with over 5000 years of history – its sellers and consumers both retain an Eastern traditional style in their sense of beauty. However, in receny years, the country has been impacted by many other developed countries, resulting in a tendency towards shooting fancier pictures for TaoBao products. This part of TaoBao differs greatly from Amazon, which puts more stress on the clarity of pictures, such as whether or not the photos adequately show the functionality of the displayed products.

Overall, these two platforms have very different requirements for pictures, which may include the sizing of pictures and the color of the backgrounds. Aside from that, they both have strictly enforced rules for how much space the product can take up in the picture. Because of the high level of difficulty, only professional Amazon photographers can help meet the photo criteria posed by Amazon itself. If a professional TaoBao photographer is hired to take pictures for Amazon products, the photographer will need a rather long period of time to learn about the specific requirements of Amazon pictures.

Amazon product photography Guangzhou China garden hose
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